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What is it for?

Improves the silhouette and contour of the abdomen, reducing excess skin, fat, folds and/or belly striations


What does it mean?

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that consists of removing skin and fat between the umbilicus (belly button) and the pubic region, and then repositioning the umbilicus at its anatomical location. Thus, it achieves several positive results:

   - It removes all the folds, wrinkles, scars or striae that are in the region of excised skin

   - It improves the contour of the belly in the front view (silhouette improvement) not only by the excision of skin and fat, but also by the complementary liposuction that can be done to the flanks

   - In the profile view, a reduction of the projection of the belly caused by the distension of the abdominal muscles (often due to pregnancies) is achieved by means of a muscular plication (“re-tensioning" of the muscles)

   - Abdominoplasty also rejuvenates the pubic region, with a lift effect on the labia majora

   - The end result is a smoother and more attractive belly, with a scar that tends to stay inside the underwear

In cases where the skin excess is not sufficient for the standard technique, we can still use the "floating umbilicus" technique, in which the umbilicus is repositioned slightly below so as to allow scar closure without undue tension. It is a technique widely used in patients who have lost skin elasticity after

It should be borne in mind that the best results are not obtained in people who are obese, but in patients who have lost weight or are close to their ideal weight, such as after pregnancy or in cases of massive bariatric surgery

In addition to the muscular plication mentioned above, our team also uses other intraoperative techniques that correspond to the state of the art, namely the preservation of the infraumbilical Scarpa’s fascia, as well as the use of Baroudi sutures ( "quilting sutures" ), whose purpose is to reduce the rate of seromas and the net drainage volume in the postoperative period


Procedure time

1h30 to 3h


Other procedures that can be associated

Liposuction, breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift (mastopexy), brachioplasty (arm lift)


Type of anaesthesia

General anaesthesia



The scar is horizontal and lies at a level just below the upper edge of the underwear mark, i.e. about 7 cm above the upper extremity of the vulva, and usually runs across the front of the belly from one side to the other, although its true size can only be calculated on a case-by-case basis. It is important, therefore, that the patient brings to the consultation and the day of surgery the type of underwear she most often uses, and a good alternative is the un-tanned area after sun exposure, which is also a good indicator of the ideal area for scar placement. The umbilicus, when repositioned, is also surrounded by a scar, which usually becomes barely noticeable over time



2 days in hospital



You can resume work at 2-3 weeks depending on your work, as long as it does not require exertion. Physical exercise resumes after 6 weeks. During this time, you should use a compressive abdominal garment specifically recommended by our team. Lymphatic drainage done by professionals with experience in this type of procedure is a complementary technique that can be performed after 15 days


Most frequent problems and risks

Initially there is some feeling of discomfort/pain, which is usually easily controllable with painkillers. Our indication is for patients to get out of bed during the first postoperative day, and after 3-4 days they should achieve a perfectly upright position. Some swelling and bruising may be expected in the first few days, and also a reduction in the sensitivity of the “stretched" skin for a few weeks to months. The most frequent problems are seroma and small skin healing problems, which are generally of little relevance. Rarer are hematoma and infection, as well as excessive healing. One of the most fearsome complications is pulmonary thromboembolism, so early ambulation is important



The procedure is definitive as long as there are no significant changes in weight or new pregnancies



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