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What is it for?

Rejuvenates labia minora (“inner lips”) by reducing their size


What does it mean?

Labiaplasty, or labial reduction, is a surgical procedure that allows correction of excess skin/mucosa in this area, which arises with pregnancy, age, or even in congenital or adolescent cases. It is treated both in its transverse component (i.e., how far the lips protrude out of the labia majora) and longitudinal component (with the formation of an unattractive pleat). By reducing the size of the labia minora, the original size and tension are restored, and this is achieved by a wedge excision and broken line technique, unlike techniques that are limited to tangential excision (which may not adequately solve the problem of longitudinal overlap and pleating).

It is possible to associate to this procedure the filling of the labia majora (“outer lips”), obtaining a rejuvenating effect by regaining volume


Procedure time

30 minutes


Other procedures that can be associated

Abdominoplasty, thigh lift (cruroplasty), liposuction, rejuvenation of the labia majora (“outer lips”) with fat or hyaluronic acid


Type of anaesthesia

Local anaesthesia with/without sedation or spinal anaesthesia



The scars are in the area of the mucosa, becoming imperceptible after a few months



Performed on an outpatient basis



You can resume work the next day, and exercise after 3 weeks


Most frequent problems and risks

Initially there may be slight discomfort, swelling and bruising. The most frequently reported risks are infection and dehiscence of the suture (“opening of wound"), although they are relatively rare



Although there may be some degree of relapse over the decades, the results are generally very satisfactory