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What is it for?
Improves the shape of the breast, restoring a younger appearance and correcting its sagging/drooping (ptosis)
What does it mean?
Breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that allows reversing the effect of sagging (ptosis) of the breast that is acquired with the age or in breasts that become more "empty" after weight loss of pregnancy. It consists of the readaptation of the breast tissue in order to recover the shape of the breast, also repositioning the nipple at its ideal height. It is thus possible to remove excess skin that has been stretched during pregnancies or weight changes. In cases where there is at the same time the desire to increase the volume of the breast, it is possible to combine a breast lift with the placement of a silicone implant. Depending on the degree of ptosis, different techniques can be used and will be discussed in the consultation. In cases where the breast already has some volume, it may be possible to lift the breast and take advantage of all its tissue in order to increase the projection, a technique we call "auto-prostheses", which uses only the tissues of the breast itself, without the need to resort to silicone prostheses. Anyway, only with an appointment can we define with rigor the most indicated option in your case
Procedure time
1h30 to 2h
Other procedures that can be associated
Abdominoplasty, liposuction, thigh lift (cruroplasty)
Type of anaesthesia
General anaesthesia
Depending on the size and shape of the breast, the surgical options range from the vertical scar technique - a scar around the areola combined with a vertical scar below the areola - or otherwise these same scars in association with another horizontal scar along the inframammary fold (the so-called inverted "T" scar)
1 day in hospital
You can return to work in about 7-10 days as long as there is no weight lifting or exertion required. We recommend full arm lift to start only from week two onward. Sports activities can be performed after 6 weeks. You should also wear a compression bra (recommended by our team) for 6 weeks. After a few months, the scars acquire a tone similar to the surrounding skin, becoming less noticeable. Lymphatic drainage, performed by professionals with experience in this type of procedure is a complementary technique that can be started after 15 days
Most frequent problems and risks
Sometimes an easily tolerable discomfort (controllable with painkillers), swelling (which may be prolonged over time), or delayed healing are possible, as well as the sensation heat in the breasts for a few weeks and changes in nipple sensitivity (increased or decreased). Less frequent are excessive scarring or hyperpigmentation of the scars, hematoma, infection or areas of greater hardness and consistency (foci of steatonecrosis - remaining devitalized tissue, usually due to surgery in very large breasts). Breasts may be sensitive to stimulation for a few weeks. Over time, loss of tissue elasticity, trauma, weight changes or pregnancy can alter the shape of the breast. In case implants are used, it is important to know that either one or both breast implants may also need to be removed and/or replaced to treat problems such as bleeding, infection, rupture of the implant or the formation of scar tissue around the implant - capsular contracture, which can cause the sensation of tightness or stiffness in the breast
The results persist for many years, and there may be variables (loss of elasticity of tissues with age, trauma, changes in weight or pregnancies) that condition the result
From 5300€
From 4000€