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What is it for?

Improves the contour of neck and reduces laxity


What does it mean?

A neck lift (without combining a facelift) may be indicated in cases where the aging of the neck is marked in relation to the face, or in patients who previously underwent a midface facelift. However, the combination of these two techniques most frequently provides good results and may be further supplemented with other techniques such as the brow lift, blepharoplasty and fat grafting, to achieve more smooth and complete results for the whole face and neck. The procedures to be carried out must be assessed case by case, thus we do not apply a standard formula for all patients.

Facelift surgery is a procedure in which the tissues of the face are subjected to resuspension according to vectors that return the characteristics of a young face, counteracting the effects of gravity and the excess skin that appear with age. A facelift, according to current concepts, implies working and reorganizing the tissues that are below the skin level (in the case of the neck, the platysma muscle), and not just to "stretch" the skin, which causes unfavourable results, such as the " wind tunnel face" and the "elf-like" earlobes ("pixie ears"). Therefore, we believe that a complete facelift involves some degree of skin detachment to achieve good results, opposite to what is offered by some surgeons, that may eventually feel less comfortable with this kind of techniques and resort to minimal procedures.

Contrary to what one might think, a more natural look is obtained when the procedure is performed on relatively young people, starting at 40 years of age, as the transition between before and after is less dramatic, however allowing to keep the features of a young face for many years


Procedure time



Other procedures that can be associated

Facelift, brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat grafting


Type of anaesthesia

General anaesthesia



The scars are concealed in the areas surrounding the ear, sideburns and scalp, making them unnoticeable after a few months



Usually requires two days of hospitalization



During the first week there is some swelling in the operated areas, which decreases in the following weeks. The patient is able to work usually after 8 to 10 days. The end result is only evaluated accurately after 3 to 4 months


Most frequent problems and risks

Hematoma, numbness, muscle weakness (facial paresis), infection, persistent swelling, dry eyes, poor wound healing, change in hair implantation site



The neck lift and the facelift rejuvenate the face around 10 years in comparison to the starting point, and generally keep the same difference lifelong



From 6600€