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What is it for?

Corrects the shape, position and width of scars, replacing them with other scars with better shape or in better position


What does it mean?

Some scars, due to their position or shape, have the potential to be improved, making them more disguised in relation to the surrounding skin, and taking into account the play of light and shadows that affects their perception. There are also depressed scars where fat grafting may be beneficial, and enlarged scars which can be made thinner. Due to their size and/or shape, scars can present considerable dimensions. In order to avoid larger sequelae, it may be necessary to perform more than one surgery

In the case of very large scars the technique of tissue expansion can be used, which is based on the placement of a silicone prosthesis that gradually expands with serum that is injected inside it, then taking advantage of the new skin that is formed while being "stretched" to replace scarred skin (a procedure that often involves several surgeries until the end result is achieved)


Procedure time

Depends on the size of the scar, from 30 minutes to 1h30


Other procedures that can be associated

Liposuction, fat grafting (lipofilling)


Type of anaesthesia

Usually local anaesthesia, but if large it may require general anaesthesia



Depends on the size and shape of the previous scar



Usually does not require hospitalization, except for large scars or scars in areas that limit everyday activities



You can resume work on the following days, depending on the location of the scar. Some body areas may require more formal avoidance of skin stretching for some weeks to achieve good results


Most frequent problems and risks

The most frequently reported risks are widened scars, excessive scarring, different pigmentation of the scar and infection



The procedure is definitive